Worst day of my life

What do you do on the worst day of your life?

In What to Do on the Worst Day of Your Life,Brian Zahnd looks into the life of David to discover a pattern of faith we can apply to overcome life's daunting obstacles. In David's story we find a timeless model for how to encounter God's restorative power in the midst of deep tragedy.

Who sings the worst day of my life?

Amy SharkWorst Day of My Life / ArtistAmy Louise Billings, known professionally as Amy Shark, is an Australian indie pop singer-songwriter-guitarist and producer from the Gold Coast, Queensland. During 2008 to 2012, her early solo material was released and performed under the name Amy Cushway. Wikipedia

Whats the worst day of the week?

A US work stress survey and happiness study found that Tuesday feels like the longest day of the week to workers, is the most stressful (around lunchtime) and is the most miserable day of the week.

How can I look good on my worst day?

How to look your best when you're feeling your worst

  1. Build a strong support system of family and friends. …
  2. Treat yourself well. …
  3. Think and act like a spring ball. …
  4. Learn to command your spirit. …
  5. Do something to make someone else happy. …
  6. Pray and praise.

Nov 14, 2014

Is Amy shark married?

Shane BillingsAmy Shark / Spouse (m. 2013)

Where is Amy shark from?

Gold Coast, AustraliaAmy Shark / Place of birth

Why is Monday the worst day of the week?

If you ask people which day they perceive to be the worst of the week though and they'll almost always say Monday. This is because there is a massive gulf and emotional shift between Sunday, traditionally a day of rest, and Monday, the first day back at work.